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Case Study

How a Cosmetics Company Reduced Payroll Processing Time by 85%

Key Takeaways

  • Streamlined HR tech makes it easy to provide a simple, convenient employee experience to a workforce that covers a large geographic area.

  • When employees aren’t dealing with incorrect personal data, manual systems and clunky HR processes, they can devote more time to the tasks they were hired to do.

  • If you can consolidate all of your HR and payroll processes in one system and all relevant data flows seamlessly through it, accuracy and efficiency improve for everyone who relies on that system.

Manual processes and multiple platforms with even more passwords made it difficult for a California-based cosmetics giant to provide the payroll accuracy its employees deserved. When it implemented Beti, Paycom’s employee-driven payroll experience, it saw errors drop, compliance go up and dollars flow to the bottom line.

To learn more, download the How a Cosmetics Company Reduced Payroll Processing Time by 85% case study.

Key Takeaways

  • Streamlined HR tech makes it easy to provide a simple, convenient employee experience to a workforce that covers a large geographic area.

  • When employees aren’t dealing with incorrect personal data, manual systems and clunky HR processes, they can devote more time to the tasks they were hired to do.

  • If you can consolidate all of your HR and payroll processes in one system and all relevant data flows seamlessly through it, accuracy and efficiency improve for everyone who relies on that system.