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Supercharge Your HR Tech for a Smooth Benefits Enrollment

HR tech can be invaluable, as it assists your staff with routine processes like payroll, tax filings and record-keeping. When it comes to the annual hurdle of benefits enrollment for your HR department, your HR tech has to be ready. To that end, we’ve compiled some helpful tips to get you to that employee-usage sweet spot the next time enrollment period rolls around.

Save a tree and protect your data by going paperless

A paper-based benefits enrollment process can create a blizzard of documents inviting mishaps, from lost documents to potential identity theft. A secure, web-based approach is a far safer and more organized method, eliminating hassles and headaches for both employer and employee.

Mobile is the way to go

The consumer-grade technology we deal with every day has given us a taste of the good life when it comes to fluid user experiences, and your HR tech should be no different. When your staff can handle their benefits enrollment through a mobile-friendly platform, they can enroll at their own pace and discuss their selections with their family if they choose.

Keep it all in one

You’re an open-enrollment expert, but your staff will have some questions. While you’re configuring your mobile platform to handle the enrollment process, be sure to provide a single repository for benefits-related information such as digital handbooks, provider documentation, etc. When your staff has the information they need at their fingertips, they’ll be more comfortable making their decisions.

The fewer entries the better

One of the many perks of HR tech is the reduction in the number of times users need to enter their data. A single-database HR system is an effective choice, as it requires minimal data entries so your staff isn’t stuck re-keying information over and over.

Not only does this result in a hassle-free process, it’s also a potent security measure. Every time you ask an employee to enter their Social Security Number, you increase its potential exposure to identity theft. A single-database solution reduces the exposure of private info while also streamlining many of the onboarding and benefits enrollment functions.

Everyone is on the cybersecurity team

As you prepare your HR tech for open enrollment, you can also prepare every member of your organization to employ cybersecurity best practices. When it comes to digital security, your staff is your first line of defense. With the right training, they can provide a significant level of protection. Training programs like Paycom Learning’s suite of data-security courses can help them identify scams, phishing attacks and many common cyber-crime tools, turning every member of your organization into an effective shield against potential data breaches.

When it’s time for benefits enrollment, don’t miss out on the perfect chance to leverage all the available power of your HR tech. If you’d like to know more about how to supercharge your HR software before your next enrollment period, contact Paycom today!